12 maart, 2025

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Do you ever find yourself tongue-tied when your partner asks what you like in bed? Do you find it hard to admit what you really enjoy? Is it easier for you to go along with what your partner likes rather than to speak up for what you want? In this ‘Touching Tenderly’ workshop, you’ll learn what you need for more tender touches and gain more clarity about what YOU want from sex and intimacy.
The Wheel Of Consent demonstrates that the basis of enthusiastic consent is being comfortable to ask for what you actually enjoy, and find pleasurable. To be able to do this, it’s crucial to be able to identify your own needs and the ways you want those needs to be met. Identifying these things is not always easy! Many people find it more enjoyable to give than to receive. Perhaps you’ve also gotten the idea that it’s selfish to put yourself first. Or maybe you go along with what your partner wants just because it feels ‘kinda ok’. In this workshop, we’ll go back to the basics. You’ll literally learn how to experience “feeling” in a different, physical way, so that you can more clearly get what you want.
Through various practical exercises, you’ll learn a different way to touch and be touched. You’ll also learn to be clearer on why you choose to do something — is it more for you, or more for the other person? This will be a new way of looking at all the interactions in your life. This workshop will help you transform that feeling of “kinda ok” into a “fantastic” feeling, based solely on what you really want.
You’ll take an active role (alone and in pairs) in these clothed exercises. You’re welcome to join with or without a partner. We’ll talk about sex and intimacy, but this isn’t a sex lesson: You’re not going to learn techniques or special moves. This workshop is a place where everyone is welcome, no matter how you identify.
About Marije
Marije has been working in the field of sexuality for over ten years. In past years their focus has been on intimacy, consent and communication. Since 2016 they have been giving workshops and courses based on the Wheel of Consent as they believe that this tool is fundamental to creating a satisfying and pleasurable intimate interaction, both by yourself and with a partner. Marije believes in sexual integrity: an holistic view on sexuality. Sexuality is a unique space where we can explore all of who we are, the lighter and the darker sides of ourselves.
Practical information
When: Saturday, May 4 2019
Where: Onder Velours, Utrecht
Time: 11.00 – 15.00 (door open at 10.30)
Cost: budget: 20 euro, regular: 35 euro, supportive: 42,50 euro.
Buy your ticket here.
Budget tickets are for those who earn less and are limited in number. We trust you only to take a budget ticket if you need to.
Supportive tickets are for those who can afford to pay a bit more. By paying the supportive price you enable us to offer more concessions.
Is money still an issue, please do not hesitate to contact Marije about the possibilities: marije@marijejanssen.nl
Wheel of Consent is a model created by Dr. Betty Martin. You can find more about Betty Martin and her work on her website.
Seksualiteit en intimiteit zijn voor velen van ons fundamentele onderdelen van ons leven. Ik ben gepassioneerd om mensen tools te bieden waarmee ze hun eigen seksualiteit en intimiteit vol overgave kunnen beleven.
In mijn werk ben ik LGBTQ+ en kink bewust.
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